Dreaming of Estes Park
I trust if you are reading this you have the same heart for travel; specifically Estes Park, that I have had from such a young age. It somewhat reminds me of child-like faith. A giddy excitement about a place—much like the giddy excitement when you first come to know and understand who the Lord is. As a way to connect, I want to try my best to put into words why I believe Estes Park means so much to so many. I understand how something as simple as travel plans for the summer being up in the air in these times feels so heavy. I have been praying my 23rd year in Estes this summer will return to the same old mountain town I love and now get to work in.
The People
I believe some of the happiest humans live and work in Estes Park. With no coincidence—this light-hearted mountain town is home to so many who love this place just like you! The smiling faces encountered on a daily basis on the streets and mountains is a testament to the joy this town exuberates. The strong, hard-working, and passion-driven people of Estes Park are sometimes looked over, but let’s not forget this town does not exist without the people. The people who have been preparing, hoping and praying for the time their hospitality can return to normalcy. It’s all about people in the end—right?
The Adventure
Rocky Mountain National Park. This is why travelers come not once, not twice, but over and over again. Amidst the 415 square miles of pure beauty you have 300 miles of hiking trails, wildlife, summits, views, lookouts and solitude. I think we can all overlook the pure amazement of the creation we all know and love. The coolest part of meeting other tourists on the trail is realizing the mutual interest you share. Then you get back to the hot tub at your resort or hotel at the end of the day and what do you talk about? The sweet day you had summiting a new peak, seeing a mama moose early in the morning at Sprague Lake or traveling on the highest paved highway in the United States. This place brings people from all across the world together in this way.. pretty special if you ask me.
Home away from home
I hope everyone has a chance to feel what so many Estes Park travelers experience when they turn the last corner of the canyon on HW 34 or come around the bend on HW 36. The sigh of relief—the ‘finally home’ feeling. Even when Estes changes, it never really does. Brownfield’s embodies this home away from home feeling. Amidst all the improvements and new ideas for customers every year, the family feeling never goes away. All who walk the length of Elkhorn Ave. and hike the trails of RMNP each year are probably much like me.. we never want to leave. Let’s all have a steadfast hope that we will get to be reunited very very soon.
We’re in this together, Estes Park lovers!
By Sierra Peterson
Loveland, Colorado
1 comment
It’s as though you were reading my mind. I first came with my parents at the age of 7. My parents had been to Estes before my birth and my father wanted to share where his heart was. I fell in love from that day on. It’s the only vacation I ever want to take. The only place my heart wants to be in. And, my home away from home. The people, the beauty is why I return year after year. Every time I drive into Big Thompson Canyon from Loveland, my tears well up with tears as I am home again. I’m very depressed about having to cancel my reservations this year. My heart is heavy. But I received my order from Brownfield’s today and it filled my heart with the knowledge that I will be in Estes Park next summer for as long as I can afford to stay. Because as you know, you never want to leave.