Trail Conditions

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RMNP Trail Conditions Report as of July 15, 2024

Any time of year, weather and conditions can change quickly. In general, trees are down on many trails throughout the park. If a trail is wet or muddy, walk through the water and mud rather than around to prevent trail damage.
Destination Date Description of Conditions Found Hiked By
North Fork Trail 7/15/2024 Crews continue to work on significant numbers of downed trees. Park Ranger
Mill Creek Trail between Cub Lake and Upper Mill Creek 7/11/2024 2 sections of multiple downed trees, both requiring scrambling. The trees are too big to step over and too low to climb under. Crews will deal with trees as soon as possible. Visitor
July Switchbacks 7/9/2024 Visitor who backpacked from the North Inlet to Bear Lake said there are 3 snowfields remaining on the switchbacks above July, and that all are small and navigable without traction devices; there is an established, straightforward bootpack. Visitor
Black Lake 7/8/2024 The trail is snow free. Park Volunteer
Odessa Lake to Bear Lake 6/25/2024 Visitors report that they made it from Odessa Lake to Lake Helene area with traction devices and poles. Felt it would have been much harder going down that section than up. Still a good amount of slushy and extra slippery snow between Odessa and Bear Lake. The trail is a patchy mix of wet, mud, and snow most of the way. There are still five snowfields between Lake Helene and Odessa Lake. Visitor

Timber Lake Trail Be advised a landslide occurred summer 2014 two miles beyond the Timber Lake trailhead and goes all the way to the top of Jackstraw Mountain. That landslide is still there, is active and unstable, and continues to worsen each year.

Any time of year, and affected by season, elevation, slope, and exposure, Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) can have extreme weather. In RMNP, all four seasons can happen in one day! Plan ahead and be prepared for weather to change rapidly.

Any Time of Year: Choose Your Destination Wisely. Always tell someone where you are going, where you will be parked, what your intended route is, when you plan to be back home, and then let them know when you return.

Route-finding is important. RMNP trails are not marked in winter and following other tracks is not advised, as you don’t know where they lead, and wind and new snow obliterate tracks. When trails are covered in snow, signs may not be visible. Carry a map and compass or GPS and know how to use them.

Be Prepared for Conditions with Essentials. It is important to bring and use the right gear, especially suitable gear for the season.Plan that trails can be snowy much of the year. Depending on conditions and elevation, some trails can be icy and snowy September through midsummer. Do you have the right gear and equipment, and know how to use it?
  • Traction devices for the bottom of your boots and hiking poles are strongly recommended, as trails may be icy. Or depending on conditions after snowstorms or at higher elevations, the snow may be deep enough that snowshoes are advised. Hiking poles are helpful for stability.
  • Food and water are essential no matter how long your hike.
  • Layers of wicking clothing and extra socks.
  • Waterproof outer layers and extra layers for warmth; in summer, raingear.
  • A hat and gloves, sunglasses or goggles, and sunscreen any time of year. Sunlight can damage your eyes and skin, even on cloudy days. Protect your eyes from the sun and blowing snow
  • Wear closed-toed footwear with a treaded sole for hiking. Slick-soled shoes without good traction (ex. sneakers), sandals, flip flops, plastic clogs) can lead to cold toes, wet feet, slips, trips and falls.
Roads can be icy and snowy, especially in shady areas. Be prepared and know how to drive in wintery conditions. If the Colorado Vehicle Traction Law is in place in RMNP, for your safety and the safety of other motorists, all vehicles must have properly rated tires with a minimum of 3/16” tread or an approved traction control device.

Fire Impacts Approximately 30,000 acres or 10 percent of RMNP has been impacted by the East Troublesome and Cameron Peak Fires. Some park trails remain temporarily closed due to the level of fire impacts and ongoing safety assessments. This website is updated as trails reopen. Please see the link above.


SNOTEL SITES AS OF July 15, 2024

There are several SNOTEL sites in and around Rocky Mountain National Park. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service provides a website where monitoring results are available.

SNOTEL Website: and every SNOTEL site has a unique Site Number. For example, Bear Lake is

Bear Lake (Site #322)
elevation 9500’
no snow
Long Draw Reservoir (Site #1123)
elevation 9980’
no snow
Stillwater Creek (Site #793)
elevation 8720’
no snow
Copeland Lake (Site #412)
elevation 8600’
no snow
Never Summer (Site #1031)
elevation 10,280’
no snow
Wild Basin (Site #1042)
elevation 9560’
no snow
Lake Irene (Site #565)
elevation 10,700’
no snow
Phantom Valley (Site #688)
elevation 9030’
no snow
Willow Park (Site #870)
elevation 10,700’
no snow


Submit Your Own Trip Report
Send us an email, call (970) 586-1206, or stop by a park visitor center. 

For Your Safety

These Trail Conditions reports are the viewpoints of the submitters, whether park staff, volunteers, or visitors. Conditions can change rapidly in the mountains. Use these reports only as guidelines. Be prepared for varying weather and trail conditions.

Falling trees are ever-present hazards when traveling in the forest. Be aware of your surroundings. Dead trees can fall without warning!

Due to the September 2013 Flood, missing foot bridges, uneven trail surfaces, unstable slopes, falling trees due to soil moisture, rutted trails, damaged water bars and steps, standing water, difficult water crossings, and missing directional signs could be encountered. Most of Rocky Mountain National Park is designated wilderness, where self-reliance and adventure are expected. Hikers should be prepared to take responsibility for their own actions; search and rescue may be delayed. Be prepared to stay overnight even if you are a day hiker. Hiking poles may be helpful on uneven trails. Route finding skills may be required. Carry a map and compass and other backcountry travel essentials. Hike at your own risk.

Taken from